The Gift of Living in the Divine Will is a Great mystical gift from God.  The Gift of Living in the Divine Will means that God's Will operates in the human will. 

Why Live in the Divine WIll?

The Divine Will is a mystical gift from God.  Living in the Divine Will is a path to great holiness.  It is the restoration of the original order God had intended for mankind.  The Divine Will is the fulfillment of the Our Father prayer: Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done.  Adam and Eve lived in God's Will before they sinned.  The Blessed Virgin Mary lived in God's Will.  And now, you can Live in His Will.  God revealed the Gift of Living in the Divine Will to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. 

More reasons to live in God's Holy Divine Will:

  • Living in the Divine Will is greater than Martyrdom.
  • The one who is completely in My Will is not subject to temptation ~Jesus
  • I do not want souls that have given themselves completely to me and I love to wait for heaven for beatitude ~Jesus
  • The one who does my Divine Will can by no means go to purgatory, because My Will purges the soul of everything ~Jesus
  • One single instant in My Will is more than all the good that you could do in your entire life ~Jesus
  • Fusing oneself in the Divine Will is the greatest, most solemn, the most important act of your entire life. ~Jesus

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